Spare Parts

Boy and Manumold spare parts


Boy spares

All spare parts are sourced from the original parts manufacturer; this provides ease of fitting and peace of mind that the quality is identical.

Heater bands are made in Germany and although they do not show the Boy mark are identical.

All electrical components are sourced from Boy or the original maker.

Manumold spares

Immpress Ltd is the only supplier of Manumold original parts sourced from the original suppliers.

Any parts that are no longer in production has been replaced with equivalent items

There are items such as the heater bands that are unsuitable for modern moulding machines these have been re-manufactured providing better control over the temperatures.

For all of your Boy and Manumold spares please contact us using the form below.


Immpress are the sole service provider for the Manumold machine.


Contact us

If you want more information regarding our services, please fill in this form. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
